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Celsa, with eight million tons of ferrous scrap melted annually in its steelworks, is the second largest ferrous scrap recycler in Europe. The Group, in its firm commitment to the circular economy, provides an opportunity for waste to rejoin the circular economy, thus forming an integral part of the new products that are created in the production system.
Through the recycling of steel, which by its intrinsic properties can be recycled many times without losing its essential properties, we use 74% less energy, 90% less primary materials and 40% less water.
Celsa is integrated throughout the steel recycling value chain, with companies dedicated to the recovery and treatment of ferrousscrap and other materials in Spain, Norway, France, UK and Poland for subsequent recycling.
Some of the services that these companies offer are the following:
- Demolition: We are experts in the demolition of industrial complexes, buildings, metal structures, as well as railway and port infrastructures. We take care of the demolition, transport and withdrawal of all materials resulting from this kind of service. Our technical department, depending on the characteristics of each project, develops a work plan foreseeing the mechanical and human resources required to guarantee an efficient and safe job.
- Collection and Treatment of scrap: We have the necessary facilities and processes to treat ferrous scrap and supply to the mills the quality required for their production processes. The main sources of steel scrap come from the obsolescence of consumer goods such as automobiles, electrical appliances, steel cans, construction and old structures, without forgetting the scrap metal from industrial waste.
- Vehicle pickups and drop-offs: We provide a vehicle collection service for final destruction and we take care of the relevant administrative procedurees.
- Non-ferric collection and treatment: We have the necessary facilities and processes to treat the materials we receive and supply to the mills, and to recyclers with the quality required for their production processes. We have collection and storage plants, induction separation plants, metal flotation plants, glassblowing separation plants, knife mills, shears and manual picking zones.
Celsa supports change towards an efficient economy by using resources. In this way, the last investments carried out have aimed at increasing the percentages of recovery and the opening of new lines of business, like plastics or wood, thanks to the application of pioneering techniques in the recovery of materials and recycling.

Where it is made
CELSA France
CELSA Nordic
CHO Scrap Business