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Celsa History

CELSA originated in 1967 in Castellbisbal (Barcelona) with the start-up of its first rolling mill. Ten years later, and as a turning point, the company inaugurated the first electric oven, a fact that would allow greater competitiveness.

  • At the end of the 1980s and during the 1990s, CELSA began to establish itself as a national benchmark with the acquisitions of THC, Siderúrgica Besós, GSW and Nervacero. And not only that, it would become one of the most diversified Groups with the integration of two important Spanish wire drawing factories: Tycsa PSC and Trefilerías Moreda in 1991 and Riviere in 1999.

  • 2003: First step to internationalization. Throughout that year, CELSA acquired CELSA Steel UK in the United Kingdom and CELSA Huta Ostrowiec, in Poland.

  • 2006 y 2007: The success of both acquisitions motivated us to continue with the globalization process and the following ones took place in 2006 with CELSA Nordic in 2007 or with CELSA France and CELSA Atlantic.

  • 2008: Celsa expands its presence in the United Kingdom and Ireland incorporating BRC, ROM Group and Express Reinforcements.

  • 2014: Following the line of expansion and diversification, Celsa acquires Tammet Oy Mesh in Finland, an operation that allows offering a more flexible service and a more complete range of products in the region.

  • Commitment to the circular economy and recycling: While, in its firm commitment to the circular economy and sustainable development, Celsa invests in two new recycling points in the Basque Country and Valencia. These new additions allow the Group to become one of the largest iron scrap recoverers in Spain with 13 strategically distributed points. Likewise, the Group launches Global Bright Bars, a new division dedicated exclusively to the production of high-quality calibrated bars for the automotive industry.

  • Another turning point for the Group is the creation of CELSA Steel Services Spain in 2014, where customers are offered the most advanced optimizations and solutions for reinforcing concrete, combining design proposals, product handling, services and digital support.

Celsa in figures




Steel production


Upstream waters


Downstream waters


Number of professionals
(own and subcontracted)


from recycled scrap

*annual type production in Celsa


in R&D


Investment in
local providers % vertical integration

2022 data

CELSA is one of the leading European multinationals in long steel products, the most diversified and vertically integrated. The company has an extensive and excellent commercial network worldwide to serve all its customers.